2.2. Starting the Workflow Manager

The Workflow Manager can be started from within the bootstrap environment with,

(bootstrap)$ edm run -e force-pyXX -- force_wfmanager

where force-pyXX is the BDSS runtime environment. Alternatively one can enter the runtime environment, e.g. force-py36,

(bootstrap)$ edm shell -e force-py36

and then,

(force-py36)(bootstrap)$ force_wfmanager


The Workflow Manager has two major UI components or “views”:

Setup Workflow
For constructing the workflow, selecting parameters and KPIs and selecting an optimizer.
View Results
For viewing the results of an optimization.

You can switch between the views with the top-left button in the tool-bar: the label of this button will change accordingly. We will consider the two views, in turn, over the next two topics.